Tuesday, April 21, 2009


In my quest for a little less of me aka I would like my shape to be a little less round...

I looked up Nutrisystem. Expensive. I researched Healthy Eating at HELPGUIDE.org. Duh. But I received information via brain waves (or microwaves -but whatever the source it was a light bulb moment) from good ol' advertising on the TV. I am going to research how much it would be for me to buy Lean Cuisines vs other "diet friendly" frozen meals from the grocery store. Even low-cal snacks. I am going to Target, WalMart, and Fred Meyer. Should be interesting. I will post my results here soon.

What I learned from Nutrisystem and Healthy Eating along with various other sites is: Eat low-calorie, proportioned meals. Eat every 3 hours or so, drink water, snack or continue your meal with salad and yogurt (you can have these in infinite amounts), eat lots of vegetables, supplement with a multi-vitamin, and of course exercise 3-5 times a week at least. The sun is out, it is at least 50 degrees here (in Alaska weather that means it's shorts time) and I am ready to get moving. Let the research begin!

My problem is not that I don't want to eat healthy, it's that it costs lots of money and takes time to make nice, healthy meals from my experience. My children hardly eat anything that I make when I make a healthy meal unless it is cafeteria style snacking meal (no sauces, no odd ingredients). This is fine, but I refuse to eat like this all day - every day! If I don't have anything I crave for snacking on hand, I turn to cookies, candy, and an occasional soda. See, there along with my lack of regular exercise, is my problem!

PS: When I went to sign up at a site which takes in all your measurements then gives you a size with outfits which fit and will look good on you available to buy...I turned up a size 'A' which is the full-figured woman. Sort of depressing yet I knew it all along. The site in case you are interested: MyShape.com

1 comment:

  1. I just lost a ton of weight. You can just give me your money and I'll tell you how. :) I don't know if I would say it was easy or cheap, and it has involved breastfeeding, so you might not lose weight as fast...

    Really, it's a paradigm shift. Healthy does not mean thin. healthy means feeling great. Want to feel great? Focus on that instead, and you will get thin.

    Basically, I drink a huge green smoothy every am (it's really yummy even if my kids tell me it looks like poo, green veggies, bananas, strawberries, a few egg yolks, raw milk, I drink 1/2 gallon sometimes, but I am nursing) a salad for lunch (a huge one, I'm never hungry, and use homemade salad dressing, the storebought stuff is poison-- and I make a great big huge salad every few days, so it's ready for a few lunches, don't have to make it everyday) and make sure dinner has a veggie in it. You already know my stirfry secret-- we eat that all the time. Or tacos. No sweets allowed except fruit. No processed foods. I convinced myself that stuff that is bad for me is poison.

    So basically, you have to breastfeed and brainwash yourself. Just kidding, brainwashing is sufficient.

    And never ever weigh yourself, that is just frustrating. I have no clue what I weigh, but I'm down to a size 10. concentrate on healthy, not thin, and thin will happen.

    The kids will start tasting it if they have seen it enough times, and you are sneaking it like it's chocolate. If they taste it enough times, they will decide they like it.

    This probably wasn't much help, but I thought I'd share. Good luck!
