Tuesday, April 21, 2009


In my quest for a little less of me aka I would like my shape to be a little less round...

I looked up Nutrisystem. Expensive. I researched Healthy Eating at HELPGUIDE.org. Duh. But I received information via brain waves (or microwaves -but whatever the source it was a light bulb moment) from good ol' advertising on the TV. I am going to research how much it would be for me to buy Lean Cuisines vs other "diet friendly" frozen meals from the grocery store. Even low-cal snacks. I am going to Target, WalMart, and Fred Meyer. Should be interesting. I will post my results here soon.

What I learned from Nutrisystem and Healthy Eating along with various other sites is: Eat low-calorie, proportioned meals. Eat every 3 hours or so, drink water, snack or continue your meal with salad and yogurt (you can have these in infinite amounts), eat lots of vegetables, supplement with a multi-vitamin, and of course exercise 3-5 times a week at least. The sun is out, it is at least 50 degrees here (in Alaska weather that means it's shorts time) and I am ready to get moving. Let the research begin!

My problem is not that I don't want to eat healthy, it's that it costs lots of money and takes time to make nice, healthy meals from my experience. My children hardly eat anything that I make when I make a healthy meal unless it is cafeteria style snacking meal (no sauces, no odd ingredients). This is fine, but I refuse to eat like this all day - every day! If I don't have anything I crave for snacking on hand, I turn to cookies, candy, and an occasional soda. See, there along with my lack of regular exercise, is my problem!

PS: When I went to sign up at a site which takes in all your measurements then gives you a size with outfits which fit and will look good on you available to buy...I turned up a size 'A' which is the full-figured woman. Sort of depressing yet I knew it all along. The site in case you are interested: MyShape.com